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Richardson Sales Performance Launches Accelerate

Press Release

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Philadelphia, PA — October 10, 2016 — Richardson Sales Performance, a leading global sales training, and performance improvement company, today announced the launch of Richardson Sales Performance AccelerateTM, a first-of-its-kind learning platform built to fit the different learning needs of sales teams. The Accelerate brochure is available for download from the Richardson Sales Performance website.

The goal of Richardson Sales Performance Accelerate is to keep sellers in front of clients.  Expectations for revenue growth are higher than they have ever been, and selling organizations are more integrated and diverse in response. With Accelerate, we look at your selling environment and the learning styles of your team and create the right blended approach of online and in-class learning that will help you reach your goals. — Chris Tiné, Richardson Sales Performance Chief Product Officer.

Developed in response to the growing gap between the developmental needs of integrated multi-generational sales organizations and the learning solutions available in the market, Accelerate offers a flexible platform built to fit your selling team’s needs, no matter who they are, where they are, or what they need to know. Millennial sellers get video-based, microbursts of learning sent to their smart devices of choice, while traditional learners can get direct feedback from facilitators in a traditional classroom experience. Core selling teams can go through an extensive development program, with hours of practice and feedback, while extended teams learn the same important concepts online in a more economically efficient way.

Richardson Sales Performance Accelerate™ is powered by learning technology from BenchPrep, a leader in online learning solutions.

The science behind Accelerate supports the idea that learners are inspired when they are engaged, to engage sellers, the Accelerate online platform uses video-based scenarios, game mechanics, and bursts of micro learning. Accelerate meets learners where they are, allowing them to learn at their own pace and on their device. It also provides managers and coaches with data and analytics to promote learning interventions, when and where needed. — Ashish Rangnekar, CEO of BenchPrep.

Richardson Sales Performance AccelerateTM benefits your sales team in four major ways:

  • Speed: Minimizes time-to-proficiency by onboarding new sellers quickly
  • Efficiency: Improves skills of existing teams, allowing sellers to spend more time in front of clients and less time in the classroom
  • Reach: Strengthens the selling skills of your extended sales team
  • Insight: Provides sales managers with visibility into skill development with detailed analytics that enable managers to predict the success of sellers in the field.
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