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Perfect Selling Named to New York Times Best Seller List

Press Release

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Richardson Sales Performance’s Perfect Selling Book Reaches New York Times Best Seller List

Philadelphia, PA — July 22, 2008 – Richardson Sales Performance, a leading sales training and consulting firm, today announced that Perfect Selling, written by Founder Linda Richardson Sales Performance, has reached the Best Seller List of the New York Times.

Perfect Selling is sales excellence at its best and is a must read for everyone involved in sales.  Perfect Selling distills Ms. Richardson Sales Performance’s 30 years of expertise working with top sales forces around the world into 5-steps that enable salespeople to drive the sales call and reach their goals.  Perfect Selling shows how a “perfect” sales call can be achieved from the minute the dialogue begins to closing business.  Perfect Selling is a fast read with tools for salespeople on the go.

“It’s exciting to see Perfect Selling reach the New York Times Best Seller List,” says Linda Richardson Sales Performance, Founder of Richardson Sales Performance.  “I’ve been fortunate in working with the best sales forces in the world.  Perfect Selling boils down this shared experience into 5 steps.  Top performers know the terrain of a sales call.  The 5 steps map it out to help salespeople turn sales calls into sales.”

“It is my honor and privilege to have worked side by side with Linda Richardson Sales Performance for the past 15 years,” says Richardson Sales Performance CEO, David DiStefano.  “Sales training and sales performance improvement has been a labor of love for Linda and achieving the New York Times Best Selling List for her new book, Perfect Selling, is the ‘perfect’ culmination of her years of work.”

About Linda Richardson Sales PerformanceLinda Richardson Sales Performance is the Founder and Executive Chairwoman of Richardson Sales Performance, a global sales training company.  As a recognized leader in the industry, she has won the coveted Stevie Award for Lifetime Achievement in Sales Excellence and she was identified by Training Industry, Inc. as one of the “Top 20 Most Influential Training Professionals.”

Ms. Richardson Sales Performance is credited with the movement to Consultative Selling and is the author of ten books on selling and sales management, including Sales Coaching — Making the Great Leap from Sales Manager to Sales Coach and Stop Telling, Start Selling.  She teaches sales and management at the Wharton Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Wharton Executive Development Center.  Linda is a frequent speaker at industry and client conferences, has been published extensively in industry and training journals, and has been featured in numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Nation’s Business, Selling Power, Success, and The Conference Board Magazine.

About Richardson Sales Performance

Richardson Sales Performance is a leading, global sales training company that is dedicated to accelerating the productivity of sales professionals by ensuring they have the skills, strategies, and processes to achieve their objectives and implement their organization’s strategy.  Utilizing a comprehensive curriculum, coaching, consulting, diagnostic testing tools, and a proprietary customization process, Richardson Sales Performance helps develop the critical skills sales organizations need to win.  Richardson Sales Performance’s curriculum includes sales, sales management, strategy, negotiations, and service training delivered through seminars, one-on-one and team coaching, interactive eLearning, and podcasts.

To Learn More About Richardson Sales Performance’s Sales Training Solutions Contact Us at Selling: Open the Door, Close the Deal by Linda Richardson Sales Performance; McGraw Hill; July 2008; Hardcover: $19.95; 174 pages; ISBN-13: 978-007154989-9; ISBN-10: 0-071549897

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