Selling Different in 2013

Steve Jobs made history with his Think Different ad campaign when Apple was in trouble and being pegged as a toy.
The script for the Apple campaign was inspired by words from the movie, The Dead Poet’s Society with Robin Williams: “We must constantly look at things in a different way. Just when you know something look at it in a different way.”
I don’t think there is a more relevant message today for those of us in selling. Sales teams are challenged by the economy, globalisation, complexity, and technology. With change comes more stress – or more opportunity.
A new role has emerged for salespeople. It is a hybrid of subject matter expert/teacher and sales star. The body of knowledge needed is deeper than ever. Average performance is no longer good enough. There is a relentless and growing field of competitors looking to take business from you.
What will you do to show your customers you are different?
What will you change to sell differently to make opportunity happen?

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