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Richardson Sales Performance Recognized with Two Top Sales World Awards

Press Release

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Richardson Sales Performance Recognized with Two Top Sales World Awards

Philadelphia, PA — January 8, 2014 — Richardson Sales Performance, a leading global sales training, and performance improvement company, was presented with two Top Sales World Awards for their thought leadership excellence in the field of sales.

Richardson Sales Performance’s Sales Excellence Review Blog was recognized with a silver medal for top sales blog, while Richardson Sales Performance’s founder, Linda Richardson Sales Performance, received a bronze medal in the individual thought leadership category. The annual Top Sales Awards contest was created to hail “the heroes” of the sales and marketing space and to laud those companies and individuals who have gone that extra mile, who have been unafraid to challenge paradigms, and who have had the courage to pioneer when others remained wedded to the status quo.

The Richardson Sales Performance Sales Excellence Review Blog keeps readers connected and informed with the latest insights and best practices in selling while providing a real-time tool for communicating and discussing critical topics that impact the field. The Richardson Sales Performance Sales Excellence Review is published three times a week and has nearly 20,000 subscribers.  Linda Richardson Sales Performance is a best-selling author and the founder of Richardson Sales Performance. She was a featured speaker at the 2013 Dreamforce conference in San Francisco and has recently launched her new book, Changing the Sales Conversation.

“Here at Richardson Sales Performance, we were very excited to learn we won two awards in categories that included such great thought leaders within our industry, and we would like to thank all of our supporters and the judges that voted for us,” says Jim Brodo, SVP of Marketing. “We are extremely proud of our efforts of sharing our knowledge and providing expertise through a variety of formats, including our blog. We will maintain our dedication and focus to developing innovative products and content and to providing our readers, clients, and the entire field of sales with original and stimulating data and information.”

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