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Richardson Sales Performance Launches New Sales Training Impact Research Study

Press Release

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Richardson Sales Performance and Training Industry, Inc. Launch New Sales Training Impact Research Study

Philadelphia, PA — February 5, 2014 — Richardson Sales Performance, a leading global sales training, and sales performance improvement firm, and today announced the launch of their new joint sales training impact research study, Strategies for Sustaining the Impact of Sales Training.

Organizations invest substantially in sales training and development. With estimates of the global sales training market exceeding $2 billion annually, the importance of sustaining the impact of that investment cannot be overstated. To address this need, Richardson Sales Performance and Training Industry, Inc. surveyed one hundred and ninety-three companies with the goal of identifying common approaches used before, during, and following training to ensure the impact of training is sustained. This report summarizes these results and highlights recommended strategies for maximizing the impact of sales training over time.

“We are very excited about the outcomes and conclusions developed in this report,” says Jim Brodo, SVP, marketing for Richardson Sales Performance. “The data from this piece can be used as a valuable tool to help provide critical information that organizations can leverage to improve their own sales training programs, ultimately increasing training ROI and the impact on sales professionals’ performance.”

Ken Taylor, Training Industry, Inc.’s Chief Operating Officer, agreed and emphasized the importance of considering sustainment throughout the entire training cycle. “Results point to the importance of planning for sales training sustainment before training and evaluating its impact following training,” said Taylor.

Key Findings include.

  • Only 32% of respondents rate their organization effective or very effective at sustaining the impact of their sales training program.
  • More than half of respondents report that their organizations sustain the impact of sales training for greater than 3 months following training.
  • Effective companies sustained the impact of training 63% longer than ineffective companies.
  • Providing refresher training and using curated learning portals were the most frequently used post-training techniques for sustaining sales training.
Click the following to download a full copy of the study, Strategies for Sustaining the Impact of Sales TrainingAbout Training Industry Inc.

The mission of is to create a more efficient marketplace for learning.  Our goal is to create an intelligence center that provides best-in-class business strategies, practices, and processes to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships between training suppliers and corporate executives.  For suppliers, provides the most targeted portal strategy for the delivery of lead-generating information about their capabilities and services through our learning community structure.  For the corporate and government executives and training professionals, we are an objective and trusted information source.  We focus on the relevant business issues, processes, and practices as well as provide up-to-date news, trends and research within the training industry.

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