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Richardson Sales Performance Launches High Performance Selling Training

Press Release

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Richardson Sales Performance Launches Next Generation Sales Training and Performance Improvement SolutionPhiladelphia, PA — July 14, 2011 — Richardson Sales Performance, a leading global sales training, and performance improvement company, today announced the launch of its High Performance SellingTM solution. High Performance SellingTM  (“HPS”) combines a best-in-class selling methodology with proven and powerful sales training to help businesses transform the way their sales force sells. HPS is based on three organizing principles:
  • Salespeople must combine sales process, deal strategy, and excellent dialogue skills to be successful.
  • Salespeople need tools embedded in their work stream to support the adoption of sales process and strategy.
  • Effective sales processes are defined by leading indicators, or verifiable outcomes, at each stage that corresponds to customer buying behavior, not to sales rep behavior.
The High-Performance SellingTM solution addresses the tougher and more competitive selling environment created by customers demanding more value, speed, and control of the process. The HPS solution consists of five key components, each of which can be implemented separately or as a comprehensive, holistic performance improvement solution. They are:
  • Sales Process Consulting (which includes identification of verifiable outcomes)
  • High-Performance SellingTM Skills Diagnostic
  • Highly Interactive, Customized Training
  • CRM-embedded Tools
  • Coaching to Sales Process, Deal Strategy, and Quality Customer Dialogues
The High Performance SellingTM solution is a powerful combination of sales methodology, training, and sustainment to accelerate behavior change leading to more consistent and higher levels of performance. It enables business-to-business sellers to identify more opportunities in their existing accounts and with prospects and provides the tactics and strategy to pursue and win competitive deals.

“With High Performance SellingTM, sales teams and sales managers focus on the few things that matter most in the sales process and that provide the greatest leverage to win deals. By more effectively aligning themselves with their customers’ new buying requirements, salespeople are consistently able to identify, manage, and close ‘winnable’ opportunities,” says David DiStefano, Richardson Sales Performance President and Chief Executive Officer. “The improved quality and visibility into the pipeline allows sales managers to change the nature of the conversations they have with their salespeople, accelerate the pipeline, and manage to leading indicators of performance.”
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