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Richardson Sales Performance Honored as Top Leadership Training Company

Press Release

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Richardson Sales Performance Honored as Top Leadership Training Company by

Philadelphia, PA — February 8, 2013 — Richardson Sales Performance, a leading global sales training, and strategy execution company, has been named one of the 2013 Top 20 Leadership Training Companies by “It is truly an honor to be recognized as a Top Leadership Training Company,” said David DiStefano, CEO of Richardson Sales Performance. “We work closely with clients to make effective sales leadership and manager coaching an integral aspect of their sales culture. Sales leaders at all levels must recognize the critical need to change their own behavior and to do so, they require structure, discipline, and skills.

We leverage our extensive experience and strong track record to help our clients make the transformational change across the ranks of sales leadership.”

Richardson Sales Performance was recognized for its growing focus on the following:

  • Helping clients build world-class sales leadership and management teams
  • Enabling managers and executives to develop the ability within their teams to position the value of their solution, sell effectively, and achieve results
  • Offering a fully integrated, level-by-level curriculum for all management ranks to help ensure reinforcement and ongoing development
  • Providing change leadership workshops to equip senior sales leaders and their direct reports with the ability to support transformational change

“With an exceptional pool of companies to choose from this year, the 2013 Top 20 represent those offering both customizable and innovative leadership training solutions,” said Ken Taylor, Chief Operating Officer,

“The companies selected this year are committed to providing thought leadership and innovative contributions to the leadership training industry,” said Doug Harward, Chief Executive Officer,

The full list of the 2013 Top 20 Leadership Training Companies is available at


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