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The Sales Performance Value Chain: Improving Sales Results in 2014

Press Release

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The Sales Performance Value Chain: Improving Sales Results in 2014

PHILADELPHIA, January 8, 2014 — Richardson Sales Performance, a leading sales training company, has posted a new blog, Improve Sales Results in 2014 with your Sales Performance Value Chain,  on their award-winning Sales Excellence Review blog site.

The blog, written by Director of Product Development Mike Kunkle, provides readers with a thought-provoking look at the concept of a Sales Performance Value Chain. Mike defines a Sales Performance Value Chain as the series of places where sellers can uncover and deliver value to their clients to win more deals and grow current accounts. In the post, Mike offers a new twist on the time-worn “people, process, and technology” framework and shares a practical example of how to apply the new framework to strengthen a link of the value chain.

About Richardson Sales Performance

Richardson Sales Performance helps leaders prepare their organizations to execute sales strategies and achieve business objectives. We have the expertise and resources to help you scale your initiative quickly and confidently across your entire sales force and supporting functions. With you, we establish sales best practices, evaluate talent, build capability and consistency through world-class sales training, and sustain necessary change. We ensure that your solution reflects your unique culture and values, which drives rapid adoption and lasting results.

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