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Linda Richardson Sales Performance Releases Perfect Selling - A Sales Skills Improvement Book

Press Release

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Richardson Sales Performance Releases Perfect Selling, a New Sales Skills Improvement Book Written by Linda Richardson Sales PerformancePhiladelphia, PA — July 7, 2008 – Richardson Sales Performance, a leading sales training and consulting firm, today announced the release of Perfect Selling: Open the Door, Close the Deal (McGraw-Hill; July; $19.95), the latest book written by Founder, Linda Richardson Sales Performance.  Today, salespeople “need every molecule” of competitive edge available to them.  Perfect Selling offers an intense focus on the sales call, the moment of truth where business is won or lost.

Linda Richardson Sales Performance is one of the most recognized names in sales training and performance improvement, and a true innovator who pioneered consultative selling.  In her tenth book, Perfect Selling, Ms. Richardson Sales Performance focuses on increasing sales results.  This book centers on the sales call itself, when salespeople are with their customers in face-to-face (or phone) meetings, so salespeople can:

  • Confidently lead the sales call
  • Achieve objectives
  • Use a structure to maximize every minute of the call
  • Add value, deepen relationships, and win more business
“While most salespeople know their products, they don’t really know the sales call, although this is the place where they spend so much time,” says Linda Richardson Sales Performance.  “I feel that helping salespeople improve what happens when they are actually ‘in the moment’ with their customers is the fastest way to increase their sales results.”

“We are thrilled to have Linda’s latest book on the market.  For 30 years we have applied the best practices and approaches addressed in Linda’s books to our clients’ business needs with a measurable impact on their results,” says David DiStefano, President and CEO of Richardson Sales Performance.  “Perfect Selling does it again with a completely new approach to an age-old challenge – mastering the sales call.  When face-to-face with customers, all of the knowledge, preparation, and skill a salesperson has acquired must be leveraged if they expect to win. This book shows salespeople exactly how to do that.”


Linda Richardson Sales Performance is the Founder and Executive Chairwoman of Richardson Sales Performance, a global sales training company.  As a recognized leader in the industry, she has won the coveted Stevie Award for Lifetime Achievement in Sales Excellence and she was identified by Training Industry, Inc. as one of the “Top 20 Most Influential Training Professionals.”

Linda is credited with the movement to Consultative Selling, which is the cornerstone of Richardson Sales Performance’s methodology.  Other innovations Linda has spearheaded in the sales training industry are the development of a comprehensive, integrated curriculum dedicated exclusively to sales, commitment to customization vs. generic training, and development of an interactive coaching-type training methodology.  Her innovation in eLearning earned Richardson Sales Performance the Best Soft Skills Award — Elearning! magazine, and Product of the Year for Richardson Sales Performance SkillGauge™ diagnostics — Customer Interaction Solutions magazine.

Linda is the author of ten books on selling and sales management, including her most recent works, The Sales Success Handbook — 20 Lessons to Open and Close Sales Now, Sales Coaching — Making the Great Leap from Sales Manager to Sales Coach, and Stop Telling, Start Selling.  She teaches sales and management courses at the Wharton Graduate School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Wharton Executive Development Center.  Linda is a frequent speaker at industry and client conferences, has been published extensively in industry and training journals, and has been featured in numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Nation’s Business, Selling Power, Success, and The Conference Board Magazine.


Perfect Selling: Open the Door, Close the Deal by Linda Richardson Sales Performance; McGraw Hill; July 2008; Hardcover: $19.95; 174 pages; ISBN-13: 978-007154989-9; ISBN-10: 0-071549897

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