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graphic that says "when your team's first response to every training initiative is 'this too shall pass' - this is where it gets real.

more useful technology icon

Your reps are burning a lot of time on this new sales training programme. And you're starting to hear about it.

Turns out, the problem is the platform itself.

Your rep's have been trying to finish that three-hour training module for three weeks, but between getting timed out of the platform and doing their real job, their progress is hovering just above zero. No to mention that they've got to lug their laptops everywhere because the mobile version doesn't work right.

More useful technology

Isn't the point of training to improve sales, not hinder them? Instead of boring, irrelevant eLearning, your team needs a platform that delivers short-burst, video-enriched digital assets integrated with your CRM to help reps get better deal by deal.

With Richardson’s sales technology, you can:

  • Access a simple, intuitive learning platform with personalised content across a variety of mediums.
  • Apply a blended training approach to bring you the best of in-person, virtual, and mobile training.
  • Build new skills with modules that easily fit into your reps’ schedules with short formats that make progress easier to achieve.
  • Use a Salesforce-native tool that helps your reps create successful account plans and identify opportunities to protect and grow accounts.
  • Access tools to help your team analyse their major accounts with a customer-centric lens that helps them align with their customer's business.

How we make sales technology useful.

a puzzle-type piece graphic showing the three pillars or components that make up a sales training solution.  The 3 puzzle pieces are; more adaptable content, more useful technology, and more visible progress.

Click the links below to explore more.

More adaptable content.

Get content that builds agility and develops a wider range of capabilities that your reps can use today, tomorrow, or in 10 years.

More useful technology

Get a platform that delivers short-bursts, video-enriched digital assets integrated with your CRM to help reps get better deal by deal.

More visible progress

Get helpful metrics connected with your systems so you can see in real-time how your reps are impacting business outcomes.

How do you make real change happen for your sales team?