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Here we go again. Another workshop for the sales team that was supposed to have all the answers.

Of course, the facilitator was dynamic, and the topics were interesting. But this workshop, like so many others, just didn't adapt to your world. The language wasn't right for your industry. The selling situations didn't resonate.

The whole programme was built around a handful of “silver bullet” techniques without addressing the broader range of capabilities your reps need right now.

So weeks later you still aren’t seeing any measurable impact on performance.

How can you justify pulling reps out of the field for something that didn’t really help them in the field?

More adaptable content

Instead of just giving your reps a rigid methodology, help them build agility with a wider range of capabilities they can use today, tomorrow, or in ten years.

With Richardson you get:

  • Customised content that speaks directly to your buyer’s industry, problems, and critical business issues.
  • Select training modules that address the specific capabilities your different teams need, anything from better pipeline prospecting to negotiations.
  • Get sales training that builds agility with broad skill development, so your teams can operate in any selling environment.
  • Built-in scenario-based reinforcement to help your reps maintain their new capabilities that take less than five minutes a day.

Click here to explore the full range of skills we help sales teams build.

How we make content adaptable

a puzzle-type piece graphic showing the three pillars or components that make up a sales training solution.  The 3 puzzle pieces are; more adaptable content, more useful technology, and more visible progress.

Click the links below to explore more.

More adaptable content.

Get content that builds agility and develops a wider range of capabilities that your reps can use today, tomorrow, or in 10 years.

More useful technology

Get a platform that delivers short-bursts, video-enriched digital assets integrated with your CRM to help reps get better deal by deal.

More visible progress

Get helpful metrics connected with your systems so you can see in real-time how your reps are impacting business outcomes.

How do you make real change happen for your sales team?