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Instructor-led Onsite Sales Training Workshops

Improve Your Team’s Sales Skills with Engaging In-person Sales Training Workshops

Whether it is through our sales skill assessments, deep sales content, or coaching platform, you will see the established principles of adult learning science woven into our instructional design and onsite facilitation.

The Richardson Sales Performance Onsite Training Experience

We use a “learning-by-doing” training methodology in our instructor-led sales training workshops, whereby participants are actively engaged in the following activities:

  • Role play
  • Problem solving
  • Brainstorming
  • Individual and team exercises

They also receive intensive coaching and feedback throughout the onsite sales training program.

The combination of application, in-person facilitator and peer feedback, and self-assessment creates engaging, relevant, and immediately applicable learning that accelerates behavior change for your sales team.

A key part of the philosophy that drives the methodology behind our sales training workshops is that participants are not blank slates. Participants are respected for what they bring to the training.

Our training instructors utilize a Socratic approach of questioning and generating a dialogue before presenting concepts and models. By doing this vs. lecturing, they gain participant involvement and buy-in before we build models and teach learning points. We encourage them to use their “natural models” on which we then build models and refine sales skills to get them to their next levels of excellence.

Our onsite training model is a blend of constructivist and behaviorist approaches designed to maximize learning for all participants.

Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles are accommodated equally in the instructor-led sales training workshops. Visual cues are provided using “advance organizers” or conceptual aids, such as diagrams and models.

Participants with a predilection for auditory learning enjoy the fact that Richardson Sales Performance workshop instructors lead engaging, dialogue-based activities and discussions — as opposed to didactic presentations. And, kinesthetic, or tactile, learners benefit from hands-on planning tools and forms that promote real-world application of classroom learning and supporting and sustaining behavioral change.

Seasoned Facilitators Bring Content Expertise and Real-world Experience

Why are our sales training workshops different from those of competitors? The answer lies in our people — we have an exceptional team of global trainers with strong sales and training backgrounds that add tremendous value to clients and live, breathe, and role model our methodologies, models, and experiences.

Facilitators act as more than just in-person trainers departing knowledge and helping individuals practice skills. They are effective coaches and instructors.

One of the unique ways in which we coach during the training workshops is through a process of “redirect,” which we introduced as a coaching process of stopping the action and giving real-time feedback.

The "redirect" process increases participant awareness of effective and less-than-effective behaviors and allows them to make course corrections in the moment. The workshop participants also develop their own feedback skills and are provided tools to foster self- and peer coaching necessary for ongoing development.

Onsite Sales Training Instructors

Meet some of the members of our facilitator team.

Dennis Greieco

sales training instructor - dennis greico

Dennis facilitates programs based on clients’ needs, delivering training strategies and developmental programs in support of corporate business goals. Dennis challenges participants to work hard and raise their skill level through direct feedback and coaching. As the lead trainer on an enterprise-wide customer service initiative for a global financial services organization, Dennis trained 350 management employees and conducted a Train-the-Trainer certification to enable the organization to continue delivering the program to its nearly 3,000 frontline service employees.

Kimberly Dean

sales training facilitator

Kim integrates her real-life experiences into the facilitation of her interactive workshops to validate the learning and challenge participants to improve their skills so they can strengthen customer relationships and grow revenue. As the lead trainer for a large a manufacturing company, she facilitated a program to institutionalize a more customer-centric- selling approach. Kim has also worked with several businesses in the financial services sector in their effort to change their paradigm, shifting from an internal focus to a value-added approach.

Dr.Andy Nellie

sales trainer - andy nellie

Andy has expertise in leadership development and developmental sales coaching, face-to-face and telesales training, strategic relationship management, and sales negotiations. Andy was the Lead Trainer on a two-year, enterprise-wide Sales Masters program for a large, multinational technology company. The program transformed the sales and sales management culture from a “hard sale” approach into a customer-centered, solution-focused approach.

Karen Klein

sales trainer karen klein

Karen brings her clients unique strategies for approaching sales hurdles that include effective communication techniques for identifying a company’s needs and utilizing that information in the sales process. Working directly with one sales manager, Karen was able to help a client work through a sales performance issue by identifying a need to bolster the sales representative’s confidence and determine the tactics that would work best to address that situation.

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Our Impact

  • 900Global Clients

  • 3.5M+Individuals Trained

  • 12%5-12% Increase in Revenue

  • 24%Improvement in skill efficiency

  • 35%Increase in knowledge proficiency

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